What Can You expect?

I would like to take a moment to discuss the results you can expect from this program. The results you receive will vary from person to person, because the time and effort put forth into the program will be different for each individual, our recommendations are always to start slow and increase as your body and mind tell you to. For instance, if you start once a week and you find yourself not remembering what you learned the week before, then you should increase to twice a week and so on. Conversely, if you are doing for example the cardio workout portion of the program and you find your body is fatigued because you are doing one or two everyday then you need to decrease the number of days or the intensity of the workouts. We will be here to guide you through these types of issues to make sure you have tremendous success in your training.

You will find that in a few weeks as long as you are committed to yourself and the program, you can expect an increase in your cardio vascular fitness, increased muscle strength in your body, more flexibility in your muscles and joints, a more positive attitude in your everyday life, increase in self esteem, self respect, respect for others, self confidence and an overall sense of accomplishment. These attributes listed above are only a small glimpse into the benefits of this program. Not all programs are the same and not all instructors have the experience and knowledge that can help you reach your goals. But here at dojoathome.com we do! Shihan Grant Campbell is one of the most qualified instructors ever to come out the United States. This is not just a biased statement because it can be backed up fully by any means necessary. Search him on Google and you will see, read any of the countless articles written about him and you will see, speak to any truly high ranking martial artist, they will all tell you, who he is and how lucky you will be to train in person, online or over the phone with him and you will see, sign up for this program and THEN YOU WILL KNOW!

A sense of accomplishment! The pride in yourself that comes from setting worthy goals and attaining them.

Here a just a few testimonials and we hope that yours will accompany them in order to help other people make a decision to change their lives as well. Giving them the gift of self empowerment.

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